About the Course
This is an advanced surgical and prosthetic course in dental implantology. It is designed for professionals who already have adequate experience with implant placement but not necessarily full arch implant placements. This course is intended for doctors who want to acquire and share knowledge and professional experiences in a diverse range of implant and implant-related procedures. It includes CBCT analysis, fundamental concepts, treatment planning, extractions, alveoloplasty, immediate Implant placement, and immediate temporizations (with or without immediate loading). This course includes a didactic portion, a benchtop exercise portion, and a live patient surgery portion.
Course Details
3 day course
8 implants placed by each participant
1-2 Student to Mentor ratio
Learning Objectives
Determine the advantages of fixed-detachable implant-supported prostheses over removable
Learn the important diagnostics and treatment planning of All-on-X
Identify the process of planning implant placements virtually to determine the optimal size and positions of the implant bodies using CBCT
Perform surgical extractions, alveoloplasty, Implant placements, multiunit abutment delivery
Immediate loading and full-arch denture conversion techniques
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